
Friday, January 21, 2011

Creating - JUST DO IT!!

On Tuesday I had oral surgery and took the next day to recover.  While taking my antibiotics and advil,  I start thinking about the project that I needed to complete for a mini quilt swap.  I have been working with a cartoon drawing that my son created and gave to me as a gift.  I have made this drawing my logo for my quilt labels,  but I have been trying to use the drawing in a mini quilt. 

I started a project that I have been working on off and on.  But on Wednesday,  something just hit me and I started pulling out fabrics and created two other mini quilts with the drawing. 
I also follow the website of Pam Holland,  and this morning she talked about creating and "Just do it".  This was so right on,  you JUST HAVE TO DO IT!! 

I also have an account on Etsy and they send daily emails about marketing your store,  yesterday there was an e-mail about tips on selling your products on-line and the advice was "Just Do It"

It is amazing what you can accomplish if you just start.  As I started the ideas just starting flowing.  I now need to write it down,  because when you decide that you are just going to do it , energy and good vibes are all around you.

1 comment:

  1. So let's update this photo-sharing option you have. I wonder if you could do that zoom option like all the shopping websites have these days - where you can scan over sections of an image. might be worth looking into so you can see the actual detail. I'll have my people get in touch with your people to set it up. Latersssssssssss (in my english accent).

