
Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Perfection leaves no room for growth or improvement. I have found that I sometime procrastinate finishing a project because I am afraid that it will not be perfect : my stitching may be off or I didn't place the piece in the right place when appliqueing, or whatever. But as I take this journey to determine my style or my voice I am finding that it really doesn't matter that it is not perfect. I am also learning that I need to give myself a break. My work is my relaxation and gives me a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. As I finish the projects that I have started over the years I have given myself the freedom not to be perfect and I am finding that I am much more productive. Perfection is limiting and you need to learn from the missed steps along the way.
A wall hanging almost completed, but I procrastinated finishing because I was afraid that my stitching would not be perfect, but little nudge from my daughter "Mom when are you going to finish that!" pushed me to complete the project.

I think that we would all accomplish more if we did not have the fear that it will not be perfect. I think back to the being a little girl making paper dolls, I did not think that I could not draw or that they had to be perfect, it was just the fun of "Just doing" .