
Monday, August 1, 2011

It's Official My Mother Is A Great-Grandmother

"It is official my mother is a Great-Grandmother"  this is my answer to everyone who says that you are now a Grandmother.  But all kidding aside,  we have been blessed with a new addition to our family.  A beautiful grandson,  named Cayden James Kent.  He arrived on Monday,  July 11th.

Cayden James Kent being held by his Great-Grandmother Della
the day of his birth

With this electronic age we now live in,  we knew all about our new grandson before he was born.  My son runs into my house saying "Hey Mom where are my baby pictures,  I want to see if Cayden looks like me when I was a baby" as he puts a  DVD into the player to show us an ultra sound in color and 3D of  Cayden.  

I have now joined the ranks of the crazy grandmothers who run around showing pictures of their grandchildren.  I am trying not to be too obnoxious about it,  but it is really hard,  because you think your grandchild is beautiful and everyone else is suppose to think so.  

Cayden James Kent (CJ) One Week Old
Because my son lives an hour away,  his daily responsibility is to send me a picture each day of CJ.  My Daughter is to take pictures when she visits also and to come directly to my house so that I can transfer the photos to my collection.   Warnings to all who read my Blog,  there are bound to be more photos of CJ.